Well the past week has been quite a ride. I started with bone stock i3 without even so much as a wallpaper; And ended up in Wayland using the Hyprland compositor. What i discovered along the way has changed my workflow entirely… for the better i hope. I hope to cover both the benefits of my current setup, as well as some pretty nifty tricks I picked up along the way.

My current setup

Screenshot I’m sure I’ll have some related dotfiles put on here somewhere in case someone wanted to replicate parts of that. Though it’s a pretty minimal setup compared to many out there.


  1. Working with hyprland was dead simple, and getting it to do what I wanted was very straight forward.
  2. Well… I think it looks pretty good.
  3. It’s just fun to work with.

I was able to duplicate keybindings to be mostly compliant to the standard i3 keybindings I’m used to. I even got window management to kind of just work the way I want it to. With very little effort to get tabs and such working.

Useful applications I picked up along the way

Basically through getting past my ‘good enuf’ mentality I was able to Find a lot of handy tools, and applications that my luddite mind would have never allowed for in the past.

  • exa - A modern, colorized, file lister as they call it.
  • cider - Apple music player. Didn’t know I needed this, but I do.
  • kitty - Quick GPU accelerated terminal emulator with ligerature, and native image support just to name a few pretty nifty features.
  • sxiv - Lightweight image viewer with a pretty neat thumbnail mode. I couldn’t believe I’d never searched for something like this before, but I found myself needing something like this and it worked terrifically. (Definitely try the -t / thumbnail mode if you try it)
  • fish - Yeah so I switched to fish for the moment. I like the completion though I’m unsure how i feel about the non-POSIX compliance.
  • Oh-My-Fish - A plugin/theme framework for fish. Pretty good. No reason not to use it really.


Basically I went down a ricing rabbit hole. I found a bunch of new applications despite myself; And I feel like it’s made my work/life a lot easier.